Stone Mountain Sales Program Installation Guide


    The following procedures provide the necessary means to install the new Sales Program.  For the initial installation follow steps 1 and 2 .  For program updates, follow step 2 (and 3 if necessary).

    1.  If installing for the first time you must download and install a Microsoft System file (dotnetfxR2.exe).  This file is pretty large and takes a couple of minutes to download.  Remember where you saved the file and use Windows Explorer to locate and install it (click or double click).  Don't be alarmed to see multiple changing screens while the program is being installed.  It takes a few minutes to complete.

    2.  Download the sales program (SMPS.msi).  When downloaded, use Explorer to install.  Windows should begin the installation process.  If Windows gives an error referencing 'missing or outdated windows installer', download and install this latest Windows Installer program (WinInstaller30.exe) and then reinstall the Setup1.msi file.

    3.  If updating the Sales program only, you may need to  'Uninstall' the previous version before installing a new version.  Open the Control Panel (Start/Programs/Control Panel) and click on 'Add/Remove Programs'.  Scroll down and highlight Setup1.exe.  Click on the 'Remove Program' option.  After the program has been removed complete step 2.

    An icon for the program should automatically be placed on your desktop.  It is called 'Stone Mountain'.  The application is installed in the 'C:\smps" directory.